Song Dajiang was elected as the National Standing Committee Member of the Professional Committee of Breast Reconstruction .
红网时代6月25日电(通讯员彭璐)近日,中国人类健康科技促进会乳房再造专业委员会暨新希望·心系乳房再造“援助”成立大会" Dream Charity Action Commemoration Event Held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, Song Dajiang, deputy director and deputy chief physician of the Research Office of Oncology and Plastic Surgery of Hunan Cancer Hospital, was elected as the National Standing Committee of the Professional Committee of Breast Reconstruction .紧接着,《中国整形外科杂志》第七届编委会第一次会议暨期刊发展论坛在北京召开。宋大江被任命为该杂志通讯编委,充分肯定了中国乳房再造医院乳腺癌整形外科团队在该领域的突出贡献。
节>文章来源:《肿瘤药学》 网址: